ODDS and ENDS: Guilty and Does It Matter?

(But his emails…)

I had two conflicting thoughts in my head as Trump’s New York False Records case got underway; first was that Trump won’t be found guilty, and second was that this was the case Trump was most likely to be found guilty on. Yes, I was able to circle this square in my mind. First was just past behavior, as Trump always found a way to weasel out of accountability. Second was that this case was about having sex and trying to hide it. Not that everyone cheats on their wife, but everyone does something wrong and tries to make it go away. The motive and emotions of committing this crime are easy to understand, which makes it an easy story for the prosecution to sell a jury on. Now, I did think there would be one hold out juror, especially from that person who said on their jury form that they got their news from TruthSocial. But I was wrong, and I’m okay with that.

And with the guilty verdict, does it even matter? I don’t know. I don’t think the verdict will cause a mass exodus from Trump’s camp come November. But I do think this verdict could peal off 10,000 soft Trump voters, or voters who are still on the fence in the swing states, and help Biden out. I have a hard time believing that Americans would elect a convicted felon, yet I know that we do live in the age when anything is possible. Even really really awful terrible shit is possible now.

Shall we end on a happier note?

ODDS and ENDS: Project Management, Love for Bill Withers, and Watching Soccer

(When I wake up in the morning…)

We are going to try running our family’s schedule and tasks by using a project management app. ( And in a related story; The robots are winning the war against humanity… or I should stop worrying and learn to love the efficiency that our new robot overlords provide.) There is so much going on right now that the wife and I are having a hard time wrapping our arms, and minds, around it all. We started out joking about using a PM app to help us, but then it started to settle in that maybe this wasn’t so terrible of an idea. I’m not totally comfortable with running our family like a project/business as that sounds lifeless and bland. Yet, the other side of it is that I keep running behind on everything, or feel like events or holidays sneak up on me, and then feel overwhelmed with trying to get it all done, but it just feels half-assed. Our hope is that we can get ahead of things, which in the end, will allow us more time to do… nothing. Just sit on our ass.

The Simpsons Lisa Floreda Sticker - Sticker Mania

And this is my personal nightmare – That I will forget that I promised the kid I would help her with a project, have to half-ass it the night before, and then I end up sending her to school like this – Lisa’s “Floreda” Costume

Just felt like today was a good day to remind us all of how great Bill Withers is.

We are going to watch so much soccer this weekend. No Tottenham this weekend, but the kid wants to watch NJ/NY Gotham, and she’s got a school soccer tournament to play in. I think I am slowly making the kid a soccer fan.