This Week: The Best of 2022 (So Far)

As the Summer comes to a close and we can see Labor Day on the horizon, I will be taking this week off from working on the blog. I want to spend this final week with the kid before she returns to school, and see what trouble we can get in.

For this week, I will be posting the top five blogs that have received the highest view counts. A “Best of 2022” so to speak. (Well, the first six months of the years, anyway.) The fifth most viewed post will be today, Monday, and I’ll work our way up to the most seen post on Friday.

I would also like to take a moment and say an appreciative thank you, to all of you who have stopped by and read my blog over the past two years. When I started out, I was lucky to get one person to look at it. Now, on a good day, I just might get ten views. So, don’t tell me that hard work doesn’t pay off.

And (you know it’s coming) if you like what you have read, don’t be chicken, go ahead and like, comment, and share. You’ll be helping an angel get his wings!

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